Territory: 56,542 km²
Population: 4.28 million
Estimated contaminated area: 646 km²
Mine Situation in Croatia
Like its neighbour Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia suffers from landmines and other unexploded ordnances (UXO) dating back to the Yugoslavian War in the 1990ies. Twelve of its twenty regions are still affected by these remnants of war. The fact, that nearly 20% of these contaminated areas are former agricultural land has a significant impact on the further economic development of Croatia.
To make things worse the floods affecting the Balkan states in 2014 flushed many mine fields in Croatia and destroyed the markings and warning signs. Fixing these damages cost Croatia many additional funds, which originally should be used for demining projects.
DEMIRA in Croatia
In cooperation with the German Embassy in Zagreb DEMIRA conducted a demining project in 2012. Thereby for several contaminated areas an invitation for tenders was issued and local demining organisations were requested to place their bids. This approach ensured that the provided funds solely benefited Croatia and the involved local organisations were able to help their own country.